usace Chicago Dredging & Disposal Site

Decontaminating the Indiana Harbor & maintaining lake michigan's waterways

The City of East Chicago is home to the Indiana Harbor and Shipping Canal and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) dredged sediment disposal site. This site is responsible for removing millions of cubic yards of industrial sediment from the canal which allows the harbor to be ranked #1 and #2 in tonnage among the federal commercial harbors on Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes respectively.

USACE needed the ability to decontaminate vehicles, boats and other equipment that had come into contact with the site's contaminated sediment and ground water. It also needed to quickly modernize its vehicle maintenance and administrative spaces without being bound by the constraints of traditional government construction.



East Chicago, Indiana

"Improve Group played a vital role in our success during these upgrades," said USACE Chicago District’s Facility Manager, "Their ability to accelerate our construction and renovation timelines while simplifying the complexities associated with such projects was immensely beneficial. We completed the project in three distinct stages, and each time we were ready for the next phase, we turned to Improve Group because they had earned our trust and consistently prioritized our best interests."

USACE Chicago Flyover